Wildcat Athletics
Auburn Middle School
Boys Baseball - Boys Baseball Spring 2021
Team News.
Team News
4.0 years ago @ 8:34PM
8th Graders - Eligible to tryout for JV Baseball/Softball at Kettle Run
FCPS Middle School Families: Any 8th grader who is interested in trying out for baseball and softball may contact their base high school athletic director for information about high school tryouts for the JV baseball and softball teams.
Team News
5.0 years ago @ 2:50PM
FCPS Middle School Spring Sports Suspended Until Further Notice.
FCPS families: All middle spring sports have been suspended until further notice due to the mandatory closing of schools for the COVID-19 virus. As updates become available we will be making announcements on all 5 middle school athletic websites. Please continue to check this website for future announcements when it is announced that we will be returning to school.